Hanley Wood's Exclusive Coverage of the Pacific Coast Builders Conference:  Going Green With Extraordinary Water Conservation Measures (EcoHome Online) 
Moving Beyond the Environmental Message (EcoHome Online) 
New Products: PCBC Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 (Builder Online) 
These Products Are Green ... and Cool (Custom Home Online)

California Builder Joins DOE Builders Challenge 
The Grupe Co. becomes one of 150 builders committed to collectively building 220,000 high-performance homes by 2012. (EcoHome Online)

Homeowners Want Energy-Efficient, Eco-Friendly Home Improvement Products
Surveys from the NAHB and Plastpro reveal increased demand for home upgrades that may cost more up front but save in the long run. (EcoHome Online)

Promoting Green Home Building in New York
New York's Assembly passed a bill that will provide financial incentives to state residents who go green when building new homes or renovating existing homes. (Hudson Valley Press Online)

Delaware Wind Farm Power Project Gets Green Light 
Legislation to allow an offshore wind farm breezed through the Delaware legislature this week. The initial plan calls for about 60 large wind turbines about 11 miles east of Rehoboth Beach that could begin delivering energy to Delaware customers by 2012. (The Associated Press)

Green Building Booms in Western North Carolina 
The number of certified and finished HealthyBuilt homes, a voluntary, statewide green building certification program, in Western North Carolina more than doubled between June 2007 and January 2008. (Citizen Times)

Green Remodeling Saves the Day for Builders
Homeowners unable to sell their homes are opting to remodel instead, and skyrocketing energy prices, mixed with a growing green movement, have more people looking at energy-efficient and environmentally friendly choices. For the construction industry, which has seen three consecutive years of decline in area single-family home starts, remodels are the new bread and butter. (The Grand Rapids Press)