It didn’t take a fairy godmother to create this magical spot. Architect Eric Logan, principal at Jackson, Wyo.–based Carney Logan Burke Architects, produced a sense of awe in this playroom addition for the owners’ grandchildren by inserting a cozy window seat into a vast glass wall. The house is on the side of a butte and this room is on the upper level, so already spectacular vistas are amplified by height. Custom leather cushions, an operable side window panel, and easy-to-reach drawers for bedding or board games generate multiple uses for the roomy bench.

Logan bumped the entire window seat area out from the voluminous room. The bump-out has a lower ceiling plane finished with warm natural cherry wood to help mitigate any feelings of exposure. “It’s a space within a space,” Logan explains, “so even though you’re surrounded by glass and dramatic views, it’s detailed in a way that the building embraces you a little.” ­