Photo of the Day:

“Cherub and Skull”, Tron Theatre (1999) by Kenny Hunter in Glasgow, Scotland
Ross/tumblr user scavengedluxury “Cherub and Skull”, Tron Theatre (1999) by Kenny Hunter in Glasgow, Scotland

From our sister publication, Architectural Lighting:  The Jane restaurant in Antwerp, Belgium—once a chapel for a military hospital—features a large illuminated skull looking down on patrons in the main dining room. [Architectural Lighting]

Instagram of the Day:


A photo posted by Salem Community (@we_are_salem) on

Video of the Day: This demon scene from the 2010 horror film "Insidious" was shot in Julia Morgan’s Herald Examiner building, which was the cover to our June issue.

Happy birthday to architect Zaha Hadid, Hon. FAIA, who turns 64 today.

Six Stories for Halloween:

British company Tiger Log Cabins debuted a house fit for survival in a Zombie Apocalypse. [Gizmag]

Would you dare buy a haunted house? These 10 are up for sale. [Houston Chronicle]

How to dress like your favorite architect for Halloween. [Curbed]

The horror stories behind 13 actual haunted houses. [The Huffington Post]

How architects decorate for Halloween. [NCARB Blog]

Eerie black and white images of New York. [Fubiz]

ARCHITECT Awards: Enter Now!

The Progressive Architecture (P/A) Awards recognize unbuilt projects demonstrating overall design excellence and innovation. The standard entry deadline has been extended to Nov. 14.

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