Award Winning
Century Plaza
Los Angeles, CA, CA
Award Winning
International African American Museum
Charleston, SC
Tour Légende (originally Tour EDF at La Défense)
Spectrum Center
Irvine, CA
Global Financial Company India Headquarters
Bangalore, INDIA
Award Winning
The World Towers
Mumbai, India
Award Winning
Santa Clara Square
Santa Clara, CA
Marion Anderson Hall, UCLA Anderson School of Management
Los Angeles, CA
LMCC’s Arts Center at Governors Island
New York, NY
Vanir Tower
Award Winning
Charlotte, NC
Award Winning
World One
Mumbai, INDIA
30 Dalton
Boston, MA
Award Winning
One Dalton: Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences
Boston, NY
Award Winning
Butler College Dormitories, Princeton University
Princeton, NJ
Award Winning
NASCAR Hall of Fame
Charlotte, NC
Award Winning
Grand Louvre Modernization
Musée d'Art Moderne
Award Winning
Fiterman Hall, City University of New York, BMCC
New York, NY
Award Winning
Milstein Family Heart Center, NYPH / Columbia
New York, NY
Award Winning
Bellevue Hospital Center Ambulatory Care Facility
New York, NY
Award Winning
Jacobi Medical Center Ambulatory Care Pavilion
New York, NY
Award Winning
Johnson Museum of Art Addition, Cornell University
Ithaca, NY
Award Winning
McGlothlin Medical Education Center, VCU
Richmond, VA
One La Jolla Center
La Jolla , CA
Award Winning
The Charles Darwin Centre
Award Winning
David H. Koch Center, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
New York, NY
Spectrum Terrace
Irvine, CA
Four Seasons Hotel & Private Residences, One Dalton Street, Boston
Boston, MA
Award Winning
Bank of China at 7 Bryant Park
Center for Precision Dental Medicine, Columbia University
IESB Brasilia
Brasília, BRAZIL
Award Winning
SXSW Center: South by Southwest Headquarters
Austin, TX
Award Winning
Tivoli Hjørnet, by Pei Cobb Freed & Partners
Copenhagen , NETHERLANDS
Award Winning
1271 Avenue of the Americas Recladding and Repositioning
New York, NY
Award Winning
School of Law & McKeon Residence Hall, Fordham University
New York, NY
Award Winning
Palazzo Lombardia
Milan, ITALY
Soyak Kristalkule | Finansbank Headquarters
Istanbul, TURKEY
Award Winning
Finansbank Headquarters Interiors at Kristalkule
Istanbul, TURKEY
Award Winning
Spencer Museum of Art Renovation, The University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS
Award Winning
Minmetals Financial Center
Shenzhen, CHINA
Award Winning
John Hancock Tower
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Award Winning
East Building, National Gallery of Art
Washington, D.C.
Award Winning
Society Hill Towers
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Arcade Canopy, Goldman Sachs
New York, NY, United States
Award Winning
Butler College Dormitories
Princeton, N.J., NJ, United States
Universidad Europea de Madrid
Madrid, SPAIN
Award Winning
Torre Emperador Castellana (originally Torre Espacio)
Madrid, SPAIN

Henry Cobb Dies at 93