Extensive public engagement informed this Delaware River waterfront master plan—a collaboration between Philadelphia-based KieranTimberlake and Olin, and New York–based Cooper, Robertson & Partners. The plan proposes a strategic phasing and funding of public enhancements to six miles of the waterfront—parks, trails, and connections to existing neighborhoods—and includes zoning recommendations to shape private development.
Jury: “This is a very bold, long-term vision. … The project demonstrates great connectivity back into the neighborhood fabric, integrating existing buildings, developed open spaces, and the esplanade walk. … A good range of density has been represented.”
Client: “It sounds like we are making a major public investment and creating a park. … But it’s really intended to attract high-quality private development that will provide jobs, provide residences, build new neighborhoods, create tourist destinations—all the things that a world-class waterfront really needs.” —Marilyn Taylor, planning committee chair, Delaware River Waterfront Corp.