You've seen ARCHITECT in print and online, but have you heard us? You can now, loud and clear, with our new podcast, ArchitectChats. Here, our editors talk with the people who are working at the cutting edge of design, technology, and practice in architecture. We'll talk with them about what they're doing, where they're headed, and how you can learn from it.

Meet Rosa Sheng, AIA, the woman at the helm of Equity by Design (EQxD), an AIA San Francisco committee formerly known as The Missing 32% Project). Not only is she a tireless advocate for gender and racial equity in the architectural profession, she is also a senior associate at Bohlin Cywinski Jackson's San Francisco office. In this episode, Sheng discusses how she overcame her fear of public speaking, returning to the workplace after becoming a mother, why she almost left the profession—but didn't—and how she attempts to achieve the impossible: work–life balance.
Episode 8: Rosa Sheng on Work, Life, and Balance. [SoundCloud] + [iTunes]
This episode was produced by Hallie Busta, Austin Heller, Lauren Honesty, and Wanda Lau.
We're rolling out new episodes twice a month, so check back here, on SoundCloud, and in the iTunes Podcast Store for the latest. You can also find us on Stitcher and PocketCasts.