At least two architecture firms have released responses to President Donald Trump's executive order "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States" issued on Friday. Reactions over the following days included protests in New York, San Francisco, Boston, Phoenix, Dallas, Detroit, and Washington, D.C. Studio Libeskind, founded by Daniel Libeskind, AIA, and based in New York and Zürich, Switzerland, and Steven Holl, FAIA, both issued statements earlier this week criticizing the ban.
Libeskind Statement (1/31/2017) by architectmag on Scribd
Holl's firm emailed ARCHITECT the following statement:
"Our office of 44 people based in NYC & Beijing has a staff representing over 18 different languages. We are dedicated to an architecture of openness encouraging human potential.
This action, by the loser of our citizens’ popular vote, actively works against the diversity and dialogue essential to this mission and violates the United States Constitution. This president who repeatedly tells lies, fights human potential for good and defies the constitution must be impeached.
We have now worked on five continents pursuing our mission (currently working on our first African project, a library for a new campus in Malawi, which is deeply rooted in our core principles). Today, more than ever, we need to pursue our values; green architecture for the environment of future generations, formation of social space, and realization of new spatial energies.
- Steven Holl, January 30, 2017"
(h/t Dezeen)