Ben Kumata

For Neeraj Bhatia, founder of San Francisco–based firm the Open Workshop, challenges like climate change, economic inequality, and political unrest offer opportunities for communities to come together and identify commonalities and differences. In determining and understanding the "collective forms" that define these systems, Bhatia hopes to promote change and resiliency in the built environment.

In this podcast episode, Bhatia discusses the importance of collective form, a topic he also explores in his recently published monograph, his dream project, and advice on collaborating with other architectural designers.

Episode 42: The Importance of Collective Form for the Open Workshop, featuring Neeraj Bhatia is also available on SoundCloud, iTunes, and GooglePlay.

To learn more about the Open Workshop, read its Next Progressives profile. This podcast episode was produced by Katharine Keane and Robert Grauert.