Architectural Lighting invites you to forward new product releases for editorial consideration on our website archlighting.com and in our sister publication Architect’s April 2019 issue, which is distributed at Lightfair and other industry related trade shows. Luminaires, light sources, and lighting products, released after June 2018, qualify for editorial consideration.
The AL Annual Product Call is a two-step process via a separate web portal: https://alproductcall.secure-platform.com/a.
Step One: Complete online registration form and make payment.
(Note: Once Step 1 is complete, you cannot go back and make changes to registration form.)
Step Two: After registration and payment are complete, materials are uploaded.
(Note: You can go back and make changes to material uploads prior to final submit.)
The AL Annual Product Call is setup on a digital platform that requires the use of either Chrome or Firefox. You must use Chrome or Firefox as your browser when registering and uploading materials. Other browsers will not allow you to complete these processes correctly.
Product Submissions Must Include the Following Materials:
- Completed registration form with Submitter’s contact information including: Name, Title, Company Name, Address, Phone Number, and E-mail address. If you work for a PR firm/agency and are sending materials on behalf of a manufacturer, please indicate the manufacturer that you are representing.
- Product information including product press releases and technical spec sheets that describe the product in detail. (Do not send full catalogs.)
- Digital image(s) being included as part of the submission (see Artwork Submission Requirements below). Images can include the product image and the product in an installation/application setting.
Artwork Submission Requirements:
- All artwork must be 300 dpi, and at least 4” x 6” or the closest approximation. Appropriate file types are JPEG, TIFF, EPS, or PSD. There should be no text, including the manufacturer’s name, on the images.
- Please label the digital image files using the following format: Manufacturer Product Name_Image_No.
- Please limit your uploaded materials to a TOTAL of 50 MB
Luminaires, light sources, and lighting products that have been released after June 2018, qualify for editorial consideration. Submissions are encouraged from all lighting companies worldwide.
Note: Architectural Lighting will not republish products it has already covered.
This annual special issue highlights more than 150 lighting products in categories such as:
• Daylighting/Solar Control/Shading Devices
• Decorative Lighting
• Downlights
• Emergency/Exit Lighting
• Direct/Indirect
• Industrial
• Lamps and Ballasts
• Landscape Lighting
• LEDs and Drivers
• Lighting Controls and Systems
• Lighting Software Programs
• Light Measuring Tools
• Optics, Films, Lens, and Reflectors
• Outdoor Lighting
• Research and Lighting Reference Publications
• Specialty Items and Accessories
• Street and Area Roadway Lighting
• Tasklighting
• Theatrical Lighting
• Tracklighting
• Wallwashers
Note: Architectural Lighting reserves the right to amend categories and category names to reflect current state of product submissions.
Submissions Deadline
Friday February 15, 2019, 11:59 p.m. EST
All products for consideration must be submitted by this date. Deadline will not be extended.
Submission Fee
This fee covers editorial administrative processes for the AL Annual Product Call. Companies can submit up to five individual products. If a company would like to submit more than five products, an additional processing fee of $10 per each individual product entry will be charged.
All materials submitted to the 2019 AL Product Call become the property of Architectural Lighting, which will not be responsible or liable for them. Submission fees are non-refundable. No refunds will be issued under any circumstances.
Please address all inquiries to the attention of Elizabeth Donoff, Editor-at-Large via email: [email protected]