Pasadena, Calif.–based Jacobs Engineering Group has acquired KlingStubbins, an architecture, engineering, interior design, and master-planning firm headquartered in Philadelphia. Formed in 2007 as a merger between firms founded by Vincent Kling, FAIA, and Hugh Stubbins, FAIA, KlingStubbins has more than 400 employees in branches across the U.S. and in Beijing. Current projects include an addition to Penn State’s campus and a university campus on Russky Island, Russia.
KlingStubbins is the most recent in a spate of companies acquired by Jacobs, which owns W.H. Linder Co., a Louisiana firm specializing in upstream and offshore engineering; Sula Systems, a British company providing services in the defense and aerospace market; and Leigh Fisher Associates, an airport-design consulting group located outside San Francisco. Founded in 1947, Jacobs is one of the world’s largest engineering and construction firms, and now operates 160 offices in 20 countries. Its largest project to date is a $500 million mineral-harvesting plant on the Dead Sea for the Arab Potash Company.