The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has released a report through its solid-state lighting initiatives outlining the performance of new-to-the-market commercially available flicker meters. The study’s sole purpose was “… simply to report on the availability and performance of these meters.” Flicker is a technical lighting topic that has always been of import to the lighting community, and with the introduction of solid-state lighting the subject has been given renewed focus.
For the DOE study, “…commercial-meter measurements and calculations were compared against those generated by a photoelectric characterization system developed by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.” The press release goes on to say that, “The results show that the three commercially available flicker meters measured light-intensity waveforms and calculated essential flicker-performance characteristics and metrics similarly, both to each other and to the reference meter chosen as an accuracy benchmark.”
Although the report will be of interest to the lighting industry as a whole, it’s intended audience is lighting and meter manufacturers, test laboratories, and standards and specification agencies. The full report is available on the DOE website.