Light Symposium Wismar (LSW), organized by Hochschule Wismar, the University of Applied Sciences Technology Business and Design in Wismar, Germany, will take place October 12 – 14, 2016. The three-day symposium, whose theme is “Future of Healthy Light and Lighting in Daily Life,” will discuss the latest developments in light and health topics as it applies to research, theory, technology, design, and applications.

This is the fifth iteration of the LSW symposium. Previous gatherings took place in 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2015. The symposium is regarded as one of the leading gatherings that brings together the world of lighting education and lighting design practice. It is open to researchers, students, and practitioners.

This year’s conference lineup includes 13 speakers from the lighting design, art, environmental science, and medical science professions, and hail from Germany, the United States, Canada, Switzerland, Norway and the United Kingdom. Presentations will be organized according to three different tracks: Lighting Design Practice, Lighting Research and Related Aspects, and Medical Science and Lighting.

There will also be two keynotes speakers. On Thursday October 13, Mark Major, U.K.-based lighting designer and founding partner of Speirs + Major, will give a talk titled, “The Qualities of the Night – Why We Need Light After Dark.” On Friday October 14, Alexander Wunsch, a physician, researcher and lecturer in light medicine and photobiology will give his presentation titled, “Photoendocrinology and How Natural and Artificial Light Impact on the Human Endocrine System and Hormones.”

The overall conference program is set up to foster discussion and debate. In addition to the scheduled talks and keynotes there will be an Experience Room where symposium attendees will be able to test the latest lighting measuring devices. There will also be two guided tours to visit the UNESCO heritage old town of Wismar, as well as multiple networking opportunities, a Movie Evening, and the Light Symposium Paper Competition 2016 Award Ceremony. The symposium concludes with a Professional Lighting Design Conference (PLDC) 2017 Warm-Up event in advance of the PLDC Conference, which will take place in Paris, November 1 – 4, 2017. Following the Light Symposium, on Saturday October 15, VIA-Verlag will host a meeting for early career researchers.

For more information about Light Symposium Wismar 2016, go to the symposium website. Additional questions can be addressed to symposium organizer, Dr. Karolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska, via e-mail: [email protected].