Fifteen builders, remodelers, and other industry professionals received National Green Building Awards during the NAHB National Green Building Conference.


Custom/Luxury: The Charity Works Greenhouse, Cunningham | Quill Architects, Washington, D.C.

Custom/Affordable: The Cottage, J.R. Construction Building & Design LLC, Petoskey, Mich.

Production/Luxury: Model NOMG4 in Marietta, Ga., New World Home

Production/Affordable: Rosewood Hills, Mungo Construction, Columbia, S.C.


ANSI-Emerald Retrofit project, Green Street Development, Phoenix (see page 24)


Multifamily Luxury: Circle at Concord Mills, Crescent Resources, Charlotte, N.C.

Multifamily Affordable: Wingate Manor in Shiloh, Ill., Gundaker Commercial Group


Fishhawk Ranch in Lithia, Fla., by Newland Communities


Green Remodeling Advocate of the Year: Philip Beere, Green Street Development

Builder Advocate of the Year: Michael Chandler, Chandler Design-Build, Chapel Hill, N.C.

Corporate Advocate of the Year: Pardee Homes, Los Angeles

Individual Advocate of the Year: John Barrows, Wainscott, N.Y.

State/Local Government Advocate of the Year: Platte County, Mo.

New Green Building Program of the Year: The Home Builders Association of Delaware Green Building Council

Green Building Program of the Year: Green Home Builders of the Triangle (Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, N.C.)