Architectural Lighting (AL) and ARCHITECT (AR) magazines invite you to send new product releases for editorial consideration on archlighting.com and in ARCHITECT’s April 2018 issue, which will be distributed at international lighting trade show Lightfair as well as other industry shows. Luminaires, light sources, and lighting products that have been released after June 2017 will be considered for publication.
The AL + AR Product Call is an online, two-step process via a separate web portal: alproductcall.com
We recommend using Google Chrome or Firefox as your internet browser. Submissions via email will not be accepted.
Step One: Complete online registration form and make payment.
Step Two: After registration and payment are complete, materials are uploaded.
(Note: You can go back and make changes to material uploads prior to final submit.)
Product submissions must include the following, which the online entry process will request step-by-step:
1. Completed registration form with entrant’s contact information.
2. Product description and performance specs.
3. Supplementary information, such as press releases.
4. Digital image files. Photographs showing the product in silhouette, an installation, or in application are acceptable. Artwork must be 300 dpi with a minimum dimension of 4 inches. Appropriate file types are JPEG, TIFF, EPS, and PSD. No text or manufacturer name should appear on the images. Label the digital image files using the following format: Manufacturer_Product Name_ ##. Please limit your uploaded materials to a total of 50 MB.
Luminaires, light sources, and lighting products that have been released after June 2017 qualify for editorial consideration. We welcome submissions from lighting companies worldwide though your product should be commercially available in the United States. Note: ARCHITECT will not publish products that its sister publication Architectural Lighting has already covered.
Entrants are welcomed to submit lighting products in a range of categories. During the submission process, entrants will be asked to pick from the list below. Though some products may encompass multiple categories, please limit your selection to one category.
• Daylighting/Solar Control/Shading Devices• Decorative Lighting
• Downlights
• Emergency/Exit Lighting
• Fiber Optics
• Direct/Indirect
• Industrial
• Lamps and Ballasts
• Landscape Lighting
• LEDs and Drivers
• Lighting Controls and Systems
• Lighting Software Programs
• Light Measuring Tools
• Optics, Films, Lens, and Reflectors
• Outdoor Lighting
• Research and Lighting Reference Publications
• Specialty Items and Accessories
• Street and Area Roadway Lighting
• Tasklighting
• Theatrical Lighting
• Tracklighting
• Wallwashers
Friday, Feb. 16, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. EST
All products for consideration must be submitted by this date. The deadline will not be extended.
For $50, entrants can submit up to five individual products by one manufacturer. An additional processing fee of $10 per additional entry will be applied. Submission fees are non-refundable. No refunds will be issued under any circumstances.
All materials submitted to the 2018 AL Product Call become the property of Hanley Wood Media, ARCHITECT magazine, and Architectural Lighting, which will not be responsible or liable for them.
QUESTIONS? Please address all inquiries to:
Selin Ashaboglu, assistant editor, Architectural Lighting and ARCHITECT
Email: [email protected]