Collaboration is too often hampered by technological difficulties, but Bluescape, a turnkey cloud-based software and services solution, may help geographically dispersed teams work better. Developed by a company that shares its namesake, Bluescape is a joint venture of Haworth and Obscura Digital. Its debut product allows users in different locations to collaborate on an expansive virtual whiteboard that can be scaled up to 160 acres of space. The software can be accessed using a variety of devices, including iPads, laptops, and other mobile devices. For example, Bluescape can be used on large-scale, high-definition, multitouch screens to discuss and organize a project. Teams from offices around the world can use Bluescape to share, create, add, or organize images, presentations, spreadsheets, text documents, drawings, graphics, blueprints, and videos in real time. Users more accustomed to communicating via pen and paper can handwrite notes with a stylus.
Bluescape from Bluescape on Vimeo.