I’ve officially banned the headline “It’s Easy Being Green” from our magazine and Web site. Not only is it overused, but it’s also just not always true. I’m not saying it’s hard to be green, and it’s certainly becoming easier every day. But for new green builders and remodelers, making a 180 in how you conduct your business and build your homes can be.
Regardless of your reasons—doing the right thing for the environment, meeting new building regulations, or responding to expanding market demands--changing the way you’ve worked for years can’t be considered “easy.” Not when you suddenly have to account for every step in your building process in order to qualify for a certification program. Or make five extra phone calls to track down a healthier product alternative your local dealer isn’t stocking yet. Or convince your skilled trades to learn new installation techniques.
I’m quickly learning this at home as I, like many Americans these days, try to be a better steward of the environment. But frankly, riding the subway can take forever and it’s a giant pain to haul my magazines and batteries to the recycling center. But I’m doing it. And slowly but surely it’s sinking into my way of life.
Greening my life obviously doesn’t compare to the challenge of greening your business. But the principle is the same: Green may not be easy, but it can become second nature. Over time, third-party verification becomes just another step. Upgraded window flashings become a standard spec. Homeowners no longer have to ask for low-E windows.
Have patience and keep learning. (Check out our Web site for tons of helpful info and ideas.) Building green is the right thing for the environment, your customers, and your business. And it will get easier because it will become everyday.
Agree? Disagree? Let me know.