Architects from around the globe submitted their best work from the past five years to the 2012 residential architect Design Awards. Our six judges spent two hectic days in a conference room in ra’s Washington, D.C., office poring over the nearly 800 entries we drew this year. Ultimately, they culled the crop to just 36 winning projects, or fewer than 5 percent of the entry pool. The jurors were tough customers, indeed. So tough, in fact, that when it came time to bestow levels of awards to the selected projects, they elevated just four to Grand status. They gave Merits to 31 others and singled out one Project of the Year.
Our 2012 jury members were John Brown, FRAIC, housebrand; Michelle Kaufmann, AIA, LEED AP, Michelle Kaufmann Studio; Alan Organschi, Gray Organschi Architecture; Robert Sponseller, AIA, Shalom Baranes Associates; Max Strang, AIA, Max Strang Architecture; and Wayne Troyer, AIA, Wayne Troyer Architects. They are no strangers to awards themselves. They understand the heavy lifting required to usher a project from conception through construction while keeping its high-minded goals unscathed. We can rest assured that what made it through their scrutiny is the best work in the country to date. We’re eager to see even more great work next year, as our most talented designers see their dance cards fill once more. Crossing fingers.