London's Serpentine Gallery unveiled the design today for this year's Pavilion, an annual commission that tasks architects to design a temporary structure for outside the museum. Back in December, the gallery announced that the 15th Pavilion would be designed by duo José Selgas and Lucía Cano of Madrid's SelgasCano, who have imagined a colorful structure built with ETFE fabric-and-webbing panels, with an open space and café at the center. A Serpentine press release also describes "a 'secret corridor' between the outer and inner layer of the structure and into the Pavilion’s brilliant, stained glass-effect interior."
"The spatial qualities of the Pavilion only unfold when accessing the structure and being immersed within it," the architects explain in a statement in a Serpentine press release. "Each entrance allows for a specific journey through the space, characterised by colour, light and irregular shapes with surprising volumes."
This commission is the latest in the Pavilion's decade-and-a-half history, which began with Zaha Hadid, Hon. FAIA's steel-framed angular structure in 2000.
"We are also very much aware of the Pavilion's anniversary in our design for the 15th annual commission," the architect's statement continues. "The structure therefore had to be—without resembling previous Pavilions—a tribute to them all and a homage to all the stories told within those designs."
The 2015 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion will be on display from June 25 through Oct. 18, 2015. The Pavilion will also host "Serpentine's Park Nights" events.

Visit ARCHITECT's Project Gallery for more information about the 2015 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion as well as past pavilions.