President Donald Trump has returned to his Washington, D.C., live/work space following a weeks-long renovation of the building. Images circulating online show changes to the White House's West Wing Lobby, the Roosevelt Room, the Rose Garden sitting area, and the Oval Office.

A General Services Administration spokesperson told CNN's Betsy Klein that the HVAC upgrade, approved during President Barack Obama's time in office, cost $1.965 million, the painting cost $275,000, and replacing the carpet cost $1.17 million. Klein reports that the Trump administration requested that all materials were made in the United States: "Limestone in the new steps on the South Portico came from Indiana, and the Oval Office wallpaper hails from York, Pennsylvania. The HVAC contractor was Calvary Mechanical Co. Inc., and the carpet contractor was Microbase Corp., both of which are minority-owned small businesses."