Faced with the looming effects of climate change, scientists are exploring ways to incorporate nature into man-made structures. By emulating characteristics of the natural world, architects and engineers might be able to build truly sustainable structures in the future. Michelle Oyen, a bio-engineer at Cambridge University, is focusing her experimental research on producing artificial bones and shells, since bones are more resilient than steel on an ounce-to-ounce basis. Studying how our cells function could also help engineers create more efficient urban transportation systems, and examining the biomineralization qualities of coral could make way for concrete with little to no CO2 emissions. “The natural world and ecological system are maybe the best picture for what a sustainable world looks and performs like,” says Erin Rovalo, a senior principal of Missoula, Mont.–based consulting firm Biomimicry 3.8, in a recent CityLab article. “And if our built environment can function like these ecosystems, maybe that's the pinnacle of what sustainable design can be.” [CityLab + The Financial Times]
ICYMI: Morpholio's Stencil is the newest addition to their Trace app, allowing iPad users to create custom graphics from photographs, illustrations, or images that can be applied in their drawings and renderings. [ARCHITECT]
The Iowa Utilities Board had given MidAmerican Energy Company approval for a $3.6 billion project that will provide 1,000 wind turbines and, in turn, produce 2,000 megawatts of wind power. [Government Technology]
Popular Science talks to Sabrina McCormick, a professor at George Washington University, about the effects of climate change on the urban landscape. [Popular Science]
Singapore's Changi Airport takes on the mammoth task of installing the world's largest indoor waterfall. Engineers worry about turbulence, humid air, and clouds of mist that are a danger to the structure, but also a nuisance to passengers. [Wired]
New York City Firefighters will soon be using drones to help respond to emergency situations. [The New York Times]
The Tel Aviv city hall is transformed into a larger-than-life-sized game of Tetris. [Vimeo]